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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Papilionanthe hookeriana - Kinta Orchid

Scientific name: Papilionanthe hookeriana
Synonym: Vanda hookeriana

Common name: Kinta Weed, Kinta Orchid, Swamp Orchid, Pencil Orchid
Family: Orchidaceae

Origin: Native to Perak, Terengganu and Johor in Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak, Borneo and Sumatera
Distribution: Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand.

Category: Climbing Orchid
Photo taken at: Secret Garden of 1-Utama

Vanda Miss Joaquim, the National Flower of Singapore is a hybrid of P. hookeriana and P. teres.

Read more from my NST article, "A Rare Jewel" here.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Lophanthera lactescens - Golden Chain Tree

Scientific name: Lophanthera lactescens
Common name: Golden Chain Tree
Family: Malpighiaceae
Origin: Brazil, Uruguay
Category: Tropical Tree
Photo taken at: MPK, Klang

Friday, May 24, 2013

Hamelia patens - Firebush

Scientific name: Hamelia patens
Synonym: H. erecta
Common name: Fire Bush, Scarlet Bush
Family: Rubiaceae
Origin: Tropical America
Category: Flowering Shrub
Photo taken at: Rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Eugenia sp - Chinese Eugenia

Scientific name: Eugenia sp
Common name: Chinese Eugenia
Family: Myrtaceae
Origin: China
Category: Evergreen shrub
Photo taken at: Rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama

Note - This plant is very similar to Eugenia buxifolium (Syzygium buxifolium) aka Box Leaf Syzygium that are popular as bonsai plants

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Chrysothemis pulchella - Copper Leaf

Scientific name: Chrysothemis pulchella
Common name: Sunset Bells, Black Flamingo, Copper Leaf, Chrysothemis
Family: Gesneriaceae
Origin: Panama
Category: Tropical tender perennial
Photo taken at: Rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Strobilanthes hamiltoniana - Chinese Rainbell

Scientific name: Strobilanthes hamiltoniana

Synonyms: Strobilanthes colorata, Stobilanthes flaccidifolia, Diflugossa colorata, Goldfussia colorata
 Incorrectly applied named: Strobilanthes cusia

 Common names:
Indian Blue Bell, Chinese Rain Bell, Assam Indigo, Pink Strobilanthes, Vein Leaf Acanthus

Chinese name: 叉花草 (cha hua cao - forked/branched flowering plant)

Family: Acanthaceae
 Origin: Himalayan region of India, Bhutan, Nepal and Myanmar
 Category: Herbaceous perennial shrub
Photo taken at: The rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Cinnamomum verum - Cinnamon Tree

Scientific name: Cinnamomum verum
Common name: Cinnamon Tree
Family: Lauraceae
Origin: India, Sri Lanka
Category: Small evergreen tree
Photo taken at: Rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Malvaviscus penduliflorus - Sleeping Hibiscus

Malvaviscus penduliflorus

Scientific name: Malvaviscus penduliflorus
Common name: Sleeping Hibiscus
Family: Malvaceae
Origin: Tropical America
Category: Shrub
Photo taken at: Fraser's Hill

How to grow
Light : Full or partial sun
Soil : Rich, well draining 
Water : Regular
Prune : To maintain shape and encourage new blooms
Propagate : By cuttings

The flowers apar half-opened and they hang down. Flowers freely. Can grow up to 2m tall.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Anacardium occidentale - Cashew Nut Tree

Scientific name: Anacardium occidentale
Common name: Cashew Nut, Candaria
Family: Anacardiaceae
Origin: Tropical America
Category: Tropical tree
Photo taken at: Rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama

Friday, May 17, 2013

Austrocylindropuntia subulata

Scientific name: Austrocylindropuntia subulata 

Opuntia subulata, Opuntia subulata, Cylindropuntia subulata,
Opuntia exaltata,Cylindropuntia exaltata, Austrocylindropuntia exaltata

Common name: Leafy Opuntia Cactus, Eve's Needle Cactus, Eve's Pin Cactus

Family: Cactaceae
Origin: Tropical America
Category: Cactus and succulents
Photo taken at: Rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Euphorbia tithymaloides ssp smallii 'Nanus' - Jacob's Ladder

Scientific name: Euphorbia tithymaloides ssp. smallii 'Nanus'

Synonyms: Pedilanthus tithymaloides ssp. smallii 'Nanan Compacta'
Pedilanthus tithymaloides ssp. smalii 'Nanus'

Common names: 
Jacob's Ladder, Small's Redbirdflower, Dwarf Zigzag Plant, Devil's Backbone

Family: Euphorbiaceae
Photo taken at: Rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama

How to grow information -
1.  NParks Flora & Fauna Web.
2. Dave's Garden

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Euphorbia trigona - African Milk Tree

Scientific name: Euphorbia trigona
Common names: Triangular Euphorbia, African Milk Tree, Cathedral Cactus, High Chaparall
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Origin: West Africa
Category: Cactus and Succulents
Photo taken at: Rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama

Monday, May 13, 2013

Echinocactus grusonii - Golden Barrel Cactus

Scientific name: Echinocactus grusonii

Common names:
Barrel Cactus 'Spiny', Golden Barrel Cactus, Mother-in-law's Seat, Mother-in-law's Cushion

Chinese name: 金琥仙人球 (jin hu xian ren qiu)
Malay name: Kaktus Bola Emas

Family: Cactaceae
Origin: Mexico
Category: Cactus and Succulents
Photo taken at: Rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama

Further reading:
1. Cal's Plant of the Week site - here.
2. Cactus Art Nursery - here.
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