Scientific name: Ceiba pentandra
Common name: The Kapok Tree, Silk Cotton Tree, Java cotton, Java kapok
Family: Malvaceae (previously Bombacaceae)
Category: Tree
Native plant of : South America and Africa
Photographs taken at: SPPK Ipoh
TROPICAL FLOWERS AND GARDEN PLANTS OF MALAYSIA *****In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful. ~Abram L. Urban
Hi good midnight! I haven't seen an open flower of this tree as all trees here are too tall. I just see the pods and then in the university where i graduated there is an old big tree which produce a lot of kapok fibers in summer to the consternation of those with allergies. We call it Summer Snow there because of the white fibers covering wide areas in the campus.