
Monday, March 21, 2011

Samanea saman - The Rain Tree with False Powderpuff flowers

Scientific name: Samanea saman
Synonym: Albizia saman, Enterolobium saman

Common name: False Powder Puff, Monkey Pod, Rain Tree

Family: Fabaceae (Leguminosae) - pea or legume family
Origin: Tropical America from Mexico to Brazil

Category: A tropical big, evergreen canopy tree, 10-30m tall

Photo taken at: By the roadside at SPPK, Ipoh.

For more information, you can read my post as follows:
Samanea saman And The Powderpuff Girls

This is my entry for Macro Monday, created by Lisa at Lisa's Chaos. Do follow the link click here
to participate and/or view other Macro Monday posts around the world this week.



  1. These Powder Puff are so pretty! A very commonly found here in parks and by the roadsides. I've seen the red Powder Puffs too.

  2. Lovely details of the Powder Puff. Thanks for sharing!

  3. They remind me of those yesteryears when most trees used in street landscaping here were mainly this type.Nice shot!

  4. I think they must be a cousin to the Baja Fairy Duster. Great shots. We have lots of these blooming here in the desert right now. Have been meaning to get out and shoot some of them. I think you've just inspired me. :-)

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Fun blooms! They look like little fireworks in the sky!


Yay! You like flowers too.