
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Scientific name: Zinnia hybrids

Chinese name: 百日草 (bai ri cao - hundred day grass)

Family: Asteraceae 
Origin: Central America

Category: Annual herb 

Photo taken at: My home garden

Translation to Bahasa Melayu
Nota Ringkas:
  • pokok renek
  • ditamam sebagai bunga hiasan di sekitar laman rumah
  • boleh ditanam dalam pasu bunga atau terus di tanah
  • tanah yang mudah mengalir
  • sinaran matarhari yang banyak
  • siraman air yang mencukupi tetapi jangan biarkan ia menakung di pasu
  • bunganya dalam bermacam-macam warna kecuali biru
  • membiak melalui biji benih

Today is ABC Wednesday
Z is for .....

ABC Wednesday, Round 7 hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt and the ABC Team of Denise, Roger, Jay, Troy, Barb, Gattina, Sylvia, Annelie, Linda and Helen. To participate and view what others have in mind, please log on to this site.


  1. I see why they are called 100 day grass. Their beauty stays around for a great while. That would about 1/3 of the year. Maybe it is true!

  2. Wonderful detail on the shot!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. Beautiful zinnias.... I think this spring I will plant some.

  4. Zinnias have such bright and vivid colours


Yay! You like flowers too.