
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Phaleria capitata

Scientific name: Phaleria capitata
Common name: Phaleria Jack
Family: Thymeleaceae

Origin: Southeast Asia
Photographs taken at The Secret Garden of 1-Utama

My post about this plant:
Phaleria capitata - A Rare Plant?

This is my favourite photo for 2010.
At posting time, there is still very little information available on the internet regarding this rare plant.

The only source I can find is from the book, "Tropical Horticulture and Gardening" by Dr. Francis S.P. Ng which is available at MPH Online and many major book stores in Malaysia:

Extracts from the book:
A shrub or small tree to 3m tall, with opposite leaves, bearing dense clusters of white flowers year-round, on the trunk and larger branches, and sometimes on the twigs. The flowers have a single whorl of 4 petals united baasally into a tube, and 8 protruding stamens. Grow in full sun. Propagate by seeds. - Copyright of Dr. Francis SP Ng.

This is my entry for Thursday Challenge, the theme this week is BEST of 2010 (Your favorite or best photo of 2010).


  1. I can see why it's your favorite. The details of these lovely blossoms are excellent.

  2. I don't think I've come across this plant before. These blooms are beautiful!!

  3. Lovely white flower and details :)

    Mine is here:

  4. You know I don't care about flower names, important is their beauty !

  5. they look beautiful... lovely capture

  6. Never seen these before, they are so pretty.


Yay! You like flowers too.