
Friday, January 28, 2011

Arabica coffee

Scientific name: Coffee arabica
Common name: Arabica Coffee
Family: Rubiaceae
Origin: Ethiopia

Category: Evergreen shrubs / small tree
Photo Taken at: The rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama

Have you ever seen coffee flowers?

Coffee flowers bloom in clusters, one after another, after the rain. At any one time, you can see them at different stages of maturity, hence you may be able to see the buds, blossoms and berries at different stages of ripening. They have a beautiful fragrance that is intense and fruity, something between jasmine, orange and gardenia. Fragrance from coffee flowers are used to make perfumes such as Frazer Parfum and Fleur de Cafe.

The flowers lasts for a few days after which green berries develop. The coffee berries turn red when it ripens and are ready to be harvested and to be processed into the coffee that we drink everyday.

My post about this plant is here

This is my entry for Blooming Friday. The theme this week is "Scents".  To participate or view other entries, visit here here or click on the image below.


  1. Fantastic.
    Coffe plant with so beautiful flowers.
    Amazing, I haven´t seen that before.

    thanks for sharing

    Have a great weekend

  2. I drink a lot of coffee and I am always fascinated to see the actual plant. I need to visit a glass house to see it over here. I had not realised the flowers were fragrant.
    Have a lovely weekend!

  3. So lovely flowers...
    I had a coffeplant a lot of years ago but I dont think it got were any flowers...hmmm...
    Have a great weekend ;)

  4. Very interesting. Is the rooftop garden at One-U open to the public?

  5. It´s very beautiful. I hope to find me a coffeeplant. We have to grow it inside the house of course here in Sweden. Have a nice weekend
    Lisa/Lisas trädgård

  6. The fragrance from coffee flowers is really beautiful and it doesn't smell like coffee powder at all!, lol.

    Rosie, the rooftop Secret Garden of 1-U is opened to the public on Sat and Sun. Many tourists visit this place too.

  7. I didnt know coffee flowers have sweet fragrance but I love the white lovely flowers.

  8. åhhh lovely!
    Have a nice weekend!

  9. Oh so beutiful flowers :) it´s not so strange that tha coffe smells and taste so good :) /Suss

  10. I've never seen coffee flowers - they're so pretty! I've got a small plant on my windowsill, but I don't think it will ever flower...


Yay! You like flowers too.