
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Banana Musa Ornata Pink

Scientific name: Musa ornata
Common name: Banana, Plantain
Family: Musaceae
Order: Zingiberale

Origin : India
Category : Ornamental banana plant

Photo taken at: Floria 2010

This species produces flowers with pink, pale pink, purple or lavender bracts. The blooms are very attractive and erect. The plant looks very elegant and graceful, hence they are often used in landscaping. You can find them planted in clumps along road dividers, walkways and in public gardens. In home gardens, they are planted in mix borders on the ground or in big flower pots. This plant requires soil that is consistently moist and can be grown in full sun or partial shade. It is a fast grower and tends to have lots of 'babies'. It can grow up to 3m tall

My article about this has appeared in the New Straits Times newspapers, Life and Times Section dated October 2nd, 2010 titled, "Bananas For All Reasons".

This is my entry for Macro Flowers Saturday hosted by MaiaT, the link is here.

Macro Flowers Saturday badge 4


  1. Very attractive. I've seen this flower and the plants look good in a container.

  2. What a gorgeous bloom , its a pity we can't have them in our climate. I love its colors, lavender with yellow; nature never fales when it comes to color combination.


Yay! You like flowers too.