
Friday, January 7, 2011

Bougainvillea - Red

Scientific name: Bougainvillea spp

Common name:
Chinese name:  簕杜鹃
Malay name: Bunga kertas (Paper flowers)

Family: Nyctaginaceae
Origin: Tropical America

Category: Shrub, vine or climber.  

Photo Taken at: Public roadside

It is the Official Flower of Ipoh city, Malaysia

My post about this plant is here:
The Bougainvillea, A Very Versatile Plant

This is my entry for Blooming Friday, 1st week of January 2011. The link is here. The theme this week is 'hidden'. The actual flowers of the bougainvellea are the tiny white ones hidden among the colourful red bracts.

Translation to Bahasa Melayu
Nota Ringkas:
  • tumbuhan memanjat
  • ditamam sebagai bunga hiasan di sekitar laman rumah
  • membiak melalui keratan.
  • boleh ditanam dalam tanah atau pasu bunga
  • boleh dijadikan bonsai renek
  • terdapat dalam warna ungu, merah menyala, merah jambu, merah pucat, kuning, putih, oren
  • bunga yang cantik dan berkembang sepanjang tahun


  1. I love them too!!! However, here in Sweden they can only grow indoors...
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Fantastisk växtkraft och vilken färg.

    Ha en fin helg


  3. Autumn Belle, I love your interpretation! What a beautiful image!

  4. I also have a bougainvillea for posting. Your photo is so prolific in flowering, looking so healthy. Do you also have the variety there which has both the red and white flowers in one plant? I think the variety is 'Mary Palmer'.

  5. Of course, I´d forgotten about those hidden small flowers.

  6. Aha, I did´nt know that! Perfect picture for the theme :)

  7. That's a very clever interpretation of the theme for this week! Of course, the actual flowers are hidden - we tend to forget that. I do like your picture!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Wonderful blooming photo! Smart choise for the theme.

  9. I've learnt something new! This is such a nice theme interpretation with those covert flowers hidden under the lovely pink bracts.

  10. They are beautiful plants but never grow well here - even indoors. I think they need a longer period of sun than we can give them here.

  11. Hi, thank you very much to everyone for your kind comments. Andrea, I have one bougainvillea plant that has 3 colours, white, pink and purple.


Yay! You like flowers too.