
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Torenia fournieri - Pink

Scientific name: Torenia fournieri

Common name: Wishbone flower, Bluewings
Chinese name: 蓝猪耳 (blue pig's ears)

Family: Scrophulariaceae
(same group with Snapdragons and Foxgloves, perennial plants in the Figwort family)

Origin: Indo-China

Category : Annual plant
 Photo Taken at: My home garden

My post about this plant: My Torenia fournieri Tale
The name Torenia fournieri was given by Linnaeus, the father of modern taxonomy after a contemporary Swedish clergyman, Olaf Toren and also in honour of the French botanist Pierre Fournier.

Translation to Bahasa Melayu
Nota Ringkas:
  • tumbuhan herba semusim 
  • ditamam sebagai bunga hiasan di sekitar laman rumah
  • membiak melalui biji benih.
  • boleh ditanam dalam tanah atau pasu bunga
  • perlukan air yang mencukupi, jangan dibiarkan kering.
  • terdapat 2 jenis warna iaitu bunga ungu kebiruan dan merah jambu.
  • berbunga dengan banyak dan cantik sepanjang masa

1 comment:

Yay! You like flowers too.