
Monday, May 13, 2013

Echinocactus grusonii - Golden Barrel Cactus

Scientific name: Echinocactus grusonii

Common names:
Barrel Cactus 'Spiny', Golden Barrel Cactus, Mother-in-law's Seat, Mother-in-law's Cushion

Chinese name: 金琥仙人球 (jin hu xian ren qiu)
Malay name: Kaktus Bola Emas

Family: Cactaceae
Origin: Mexico
Category: Cactus and Succulents
Photo taken at: Rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama

Further reading:
1. Cal's Plant of the Week site - here.
2. Cactus Art Nursery - here.

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Yay! You like flowers too.