
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ipomoea indica - Blue Morning Glory

Scientific name: Ipomoea indica

Convolvulus acuminatus, Convolvulus indicus, 
Ipomoea acuminata,Ipomoea cathartica Ipomoea congesta

Common names:
Blue Morning Glory, Oceanblue Morning Glory, Koali Awa,
Blue Dawnflower, Island Morning Glory, Purplewindle

Family: Convolvulus
Origin: Tropical America
Category: Tropical tender perennial vine
Photo taken at: Rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama

How to grow
Light : Full sun to partial shade
Soil : Rich, moist but well-drained
Water : Regular
Prune : To control growth
Propagate : Softwood, semi hardwood cuttings, seeds.

Rich purple trumpet shaped flowers, heart-shaped 3-lobed leaves.
Flowers look similar to Ipomoea purpurea but its sepals are long and tapering while those of I. purpurea have an acute tip. Invasive weed in Australia, New Zealand and California.

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Yay! You like flowers too.