
Friday, September 7, 2012

Magnolia x alba, Michelia x alba - White Champaca

Scientific name: Magnolia x alba
Synonym: Michelia x alba
Magnolia x alba is a hybrid of Magnolia champaca and Magnolia montana

Common names: White Champaca, White Champak,  White Jade Orchid Tree, White Sandalwood, Fragrant Himalayan Champaca, Joy Perfumed Tree, Safa

Chinese name: 白蘭 (bai lan hua), 白玉(bai yu lan)
Malay name: Cempaka Putih

Family: Magnoliaceae
Origin: Southeast Asia to India
Category: Ever-flowering evergreen tree
Photo taken at: My home garden

How to grow
Grow under the full sun in moist, well-draining soil. Propagation is by seeds or marcotting. 

Features : This is a big tree which can grow up to 30m tall. The creamy white flowers has a strong fragrance that lasts throughout the day. The fragrance is more pronounced in the morning and at night. The leaves are aromatic too.


  1. Cempaka was my mom's favorite flower. Very strong smell that lasts as I recall it. There one in yellow too right?

    1. Ash, yes the fragrance is very nice, strong and lasts the whole day. The leaves are also mildly fragrant. The withered flowers also smells nice. Very good for making bunga rampai.

      There is indeed Yellow Champaca, another species with yellow flowers.

  2. Any idea where I can buy one of these plants in NSW?

    1. Fiona, I'm so sorry I can't help you because I from Malaysia.

    2. Fiona, you can get it in most nursery in NSW. Some has "Bai Lan" on the label. Another definite place is nursery in Cabramatta, NSW.

  3. Does anyone does know where to find Cempake Putih seeds
    please advice

  4. I'm sorry I don't have the information you need but hope that someone else can help you on this. Magnolia champaca tree has yellow flowers which are highly fragrant.

  5. Where can i get the seeds of magnolia alba.

    1. The nurseries here sell them as young plants raised in poly bags. They don't sell the seeds. You can check with local nurseries near you or at flower show garden bazaars.


Yay! You like flowers too.