
Friday, June 22, 2012

Aloe Vera

Scientific name: Aloe vera
Synonym: Aloe barbadensis

 Common name: Barbados Aloe, Medicinal Aloe, Curacao Aloe, Jafferabad Aloe, Star Cactus

Malay name: Lidah Buaya

 Family: Aloaceae
Origin: Northern Africa
 Category: Succulents
Photo taken at: My home garden


  1. Is this yours? My mother has it once, then i didn't notice it is already gone, i haven't seen it flower here.

  2. Yes it is mine! The mother plant was propagated to me by my late mom. She really believed in the goodness of aloe vera and used it often on her hair. She also said it was good to make herbal soup. This plant had followed me when I moved house twice. I seldom use it, but the memories are precious.


Yay! You like flowers too.