
Monday, September 5, 2011

Bauhinia x blakeana

Butterfly Park in Bukit Tinggi 2, Klang

Scientific name: Bauhinia x blakeana or Bauhinia 'blakeana'
Family: Fabaceae
Origin: Hong Kong
Category: A small to medium sized ornamental tree

Common names: The Hong Kong Orchid Tree, Bauhinia
Chinese names: Chung Ming Yip (Cantonese) meaning 'clever leaves')
and 'Yang Zi Jing' (Mandarin) meaning 'the foreign purple tree.
Malay name: 'Tapak Unta' (Camel's Foot) or Tapak Kuda (Horse Hoof)

Photographs taken at: My neighbourhood Public Park and along roadside.

1 comment:

  1. Belle!
    Sebuah bunga sungguh cantik!

    A flower so beautiful!


Yay! You like flowers too.