
Friday, September 9, 2011

Angelonia salicariifolia - Purple

Scientific name: Angelonia salicariifolia
Common names:
Angelonia, Willowleaf Angelonia, Angel Mist, Summer Snapdragon, Angel Flower
Chinese name:  天使花('tian shi hua' or angel flower)
Malay name: bunga satay (satay flowers)

Family: Scrophulariaceae (Figwort family)
Origin: Tropical America

Category: Annual to tropical perennial herb
Photographs taken at: The Secret Garden of 1-Utama
An ornamental plant with flowers that look like snapdragons. Most suitable for English styled gardens. Needs a lot of sunshine and moist, well drained soil that is rich in humus. Flowers in varieties of pink, lavender and white. Blooms fast and repeatedly. Easily propagated by herbaceous stem cuttings. I am growing the pink and lavender varieties in my home garden now. It flowers easily and can be propagated easily by the 'cut and plant' method.

Translation to Bahasa Malaysia
Nota Ringkas:
  • pokok renek
  • ditamam sebagai bunga hiasan di laman berkonsepsi Inggeris
  • tanaman pasuan
  • tanah yang mudah mengalir
  • sinaran matarhari yang banyak
  • siraman air yang mencukupi tetapi jangan biarkan ia menakung di pasu
  • pangkas selalu untuk mencapai batang pokok yang tebal dan cantik
  • bunganya dalam warna merah muda dan ungu
  • berbunga sepanjang tahun
  • membiak melalui keratan batang

1 comment:

  1. I love lavender and blue flowers, but i don't think i have already seen it here. What we have are the Impatiens balsamina or kamantigue. The single petals look like that but the multipetals look like small roses. We have pink at home, the white, red and peach disappeared.


Yay! You like flowers too.