
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Antigonon leptopus 'Alba' - White Flowers

Scientific name: Antigonon leptopus
Common names:
Coral Vine, Coral Vine, Chain of Love, Hearts on a Chain, Coral Bells, Queen's Jewels,
Chinese Love Vine, San Miquelito Vine, Coralita, Confederate Vine, Sandwich Island Creeper, Honolulu Creeper, Mexican Creeper, Rose of Montana Vine.

Chinese name: 珊瑚藤 (shan hu teng)
Malay name: Air Mata Pengantin (A Bride's Tears)

Family: Polygonaceae
Origin: Mexico

Category: Ever-flowering tendril climber
Photograph taken at: Penang Butterfly Farm

1 comment:

  1. Śliczne kwiatki + motyl = cudowne zdjęcie. Pozdrawiam


Yay! You like flowers too.