
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Uraria crinita - Asian Foxtail

Scientific name: Uraria crinita
Common name: Asian foxtail

Chinese name: 猫尾草 ( Māo wěi cǎo - cat's tail grass), 狗尾草 (gǒu wěicǎo - dog's tail grass), 
兔尾草 (tù wěi cǎo - rabbit's tail grass), 通天草 (tōng tiān cǎo - open air grass)
Malay name: ekor kuching (cat's tail)
Java name: buntut anjing (dog's bottom)

Family: Fabaceae  (Leguminosae)
Origin: South China and Southeast Asia
Category: Semi-woody plant
Photo Taken at: The rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama

The genus name Uraria is derived from the Green word “oupa or oura” for tail and it refers to the long tail-like inflorescences. The species name crinita is derived from the Latin word “crinitus” meaning hairy.

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Yay! You like flowers too.