
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spathiphylum wallisii - Peace Lily

Scientific name: Spathiphylum wallisii 
Common name: Peace Lily, White Sails, Spathe Flower
Family: Araceae
Origin: Tropical America
Category: Tropical flowering shrub
Photo Taken at: My home garden

Today is ABC Wednesday, Round 8
P is for .....
Peace Lily!
P is also for the Peace, People, Prosperity, Party and Power.

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  1. Pretty peace lily and perfect for this week's theme.

  2. all we are saying is give the peace lily a chance.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. It's been a long time since my peace lily has bloomed but it's still beautiful! I do wish it had a few perfect blossoms though.

  4. To have a peace lily as a shrub in my garden -- that is not possible! But I love them as house plant and symbol.
    Thank you!

    ABC Wednesday Team


Yay! You like flowers too.