
Monday, May 23, 2011

Lantana camara - All Pink

Scientific name: Lantana camara
Synonym: L. arculeata, L. armata, L.mista

Common name: Spanish flag, Lantana.
Malay name: Bunga tahi ayam (chicken dung flower)

Family: Verbenaceae
Origin: Tropical America

Native to: Central America, Mexico, The Bahamas, Colombia, Venezuela, Texas, Florida, Georgia 
and other tropical and warm regions around the world.

Category: Annual / perennial shrub.

Photo Taken at: My home garden

This is my entry for Macro Monday, created by Lisa at Lisa's Chaos. Do follow the link click here
to participate and/or view other Macro Monday posts around the world this week.


  1. Beautiful pink flower! It looks a little like fall phlox...

  2. Very interssting! I can learn both scientific and common name of flowers from your blog.
    I can notice you like flowers very much.


Yay! You like flowers too.