
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nerium oleander

Scientific name: Nerium oleander
Synonym: Nerium indicum
Common name: Oleander
Family: Apocynaceae
Origin: Mediterranean
Category: Ever-flowering shrub

Photo Taken at: The ditch garden in my neighbourhood

Other flower colours are white, yellow, red and purple. Some have variegated leaves or double flowers. The above is a single petal variety. 

Today is ABC Wednesday, Round 8
N is for .....
the Nice, Numerous, Never-ending flowers of the
Nerium oleander

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  1. Love it! As always, thanks for sharing.

  2. Oleanders hold such memories for me. Growing up in Central Ca the freeway was lined with pink, white and dark pink oleanders. I remember telling my mother they looked like a row of wedding bouquets.

    You photo is lovely.

  3. Ah, so pretty! I like the name "oleander" better though as it just sounds so floral. :D

    abcw team

  4. yeah for the scientific names, tho I like oleander better, too.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. Very pretty. They are regarded as a pest in South Africa because they invade our riverine areas, so it is nice to see them in their natural habitat! Most interesting and lovely blog. Many thnanks.

  6. Such beautiful flowers and beautifully photographed! It is always interesting to me how one person's joy is another person's nuisance.
    HelenMac, ABC Wednesday Team

  7. Have you seen dark red,white and yellow oleanders in Malysia.
    It will be nice if you can post some pictures of these and where we can find them in Malaysa

  8. Yes, I have seen those colours that you mentioned but that was quite a long time ago. I don't have the pictures at the moment. I'll be posting a dark pink double flower variety soon.


Yay! You like flowers too.