
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hermaphrodite (Bisexual) Papaya Flowers

Scientific name: Carica papaya

Common name: Papaya, papaw, paw paw
Malay name: Betik

Family: Caricaceae
Origin: Central and South America

Category: A short-lived evergreen small fruit tree

Photo Taken at: The ditch garden in my neighbourhood

Hermaphrodite (bisexual) papaya flowers are slender and thin and they are attached close to the stem.
Do you know that papaya flowers can be male, female or hemaphrodite?
(a) Males flowers will not be able to become a papaya fruit
(b) Female flowers that are not pollinated will drop off from the tree.
(c) Hermaphrodite flowers are most sought after by growers.
They are self pollinating and can give you a papaya fruit!

This is my entry (seq no. 61) for Thursday Challenge, the Photo Theme this week is "GREEN" (Plants, Cloths, Cars, Toys, Houses,...). My grateful thanks to Dale of Spun With Tears link here.

This is also my entry for Cottage Floral Thursdays #12, my grateful thanks to Fishtail Cottage. To participate and view other entries around the world, please click on the icon below:


  1. That's a cute little bloom on that fruit.

  2. Just found this blog and I am pumped to follow along and get educated.

  3. Fascinating info about this plant.

  4. Yay beautiful Autumn Belle....gorgeous photos..i love papayas..yum....and such lovely flowers!

  5. I'm always fascinated about the papaya flowers. If I remember correctly, there are males and females flowers?
    The photo of the leaf in my blog is of a papaya leaf.

  6. Very fascinating and so beautiful! I've found you at Cottage Flora Thursdays and have joined as a follower and invite you to follow me, too.

  7. I'm your newest follower! Thanks so much for linking your post to Cottage Flora Thursday's - The papaya flowers are so interesting! Thanks for sharing!!! xoxo,Tracie

  8. I think I have a hermaphrodite papaya flowers on my plant. It's almost a month now since it started flowering but no fruits formed so far. I have added mostly vermicompost I made my own. The leaves are big n very healthy darn green. How to make the plant bear fruits and how long will it take ? Thank you.

    1. LH, fruits will be produced when your papaya flowers are successfully polinated. Good Luck!

  9. I think that it's a bisexual female plant with a male flower,all of my hermaphrodite Papaya plants including my bisexual male plant produces hermaphrodite flowers, within a bunch of male flowers about one of them is a hermaphrodite flower which contains both stamens & ovaries which will turn into a fruit but the rest of the flowers are just male !


Yay! You like flowers too.