
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cape Honeysuckle - Tecoma Capensis

Scientific name: Tecoma capensis
Synonym: Tecomaria capensis

Common name: Cape Honeysuckle

Chinese name: 硬骨凌霄 (ying gu ling xiao) or 南非凌霄花 (nan fei ling xiao hua)
Malay name: Tekomaria Jingga

Family: Bignoniaceae

Origin of Tecoma capensis: Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland
Tecoma capensis 'Salmonea' , with salmon colour flowers is a cultivar from horticulture.

Category: Shrubs

Photo Taken at: My home garden

This is my entry for Cottage Floral Thursdays #13, my grateful thanks to Fishtail Cottage. To participate and view other entries around the world, please click here.

This is end of March 2011, time for The Hot, the Loud, and the Proud Meme # 13 started by Noel of A Plant Fanatic blog. Please follow my link here to participate or view other spectacular shows around the world.


  1. It is beautiful and I love orange! Visiting from Fishtail Cottage. ♥olive

  2. What a vibrant color of huneysuckle! Thanks so much for linking up ot Cottage Flora Thursday's & sharing the link with your friends! I'm really enjoying peeking around at all the gardening eye candy this am! xoox, Tracie

  3. Way too pretty for words. Thanks for the link...enjoyed the plant sale as well.

  4. aloha,

    thats one of my favorite honeysuckles, its such a pleaser

  5. Calling by to visit your Cottage Flora Thursday post,this is not a honeysuckle I know, thanks for sharing.

  6. I don't think I've ver seen a honeysuckle that color before. Thanks so much for sharing it with us! I am linking over from Flora Thursday.


Yay! You like flowers too.