
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Portulaca grandiflora - bicolour single petal

Scientific name: Portulaca grandiflora

Common name: Moss-rose, moss-rose Purselane, sun plant

Chinese name: 大花马齿苋 (da hua ma chi xian)
Malay name: Ros Jepun

Family: Portulaceae

Origin: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay 

Category: Annual succulent plant

Photo Taken at: My home garden

BM Translation:
  • banyak variasi yang menarik
  • tumbuhan tutup bumi
  • boleh ditanam di dalam pasu atau di atas tanah
  • mudah dibiakan melalui keratan batang
  • memerlukan cahaya matahari yang penuh

This is my entry for Today's Flowers # 130, a meme which opens every Sunday, 2pm GMT. My grateful thanks to Today's Flowers team members; Luiz Santili Jr, Denise in Virginia, Laerte Pupo and Sandy Carlson. To participate and view other gorgeous flowers around the world, click here

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Yay! You like flowers too.