
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis - Double Petal Red

Scientific name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cultivars

 Common name: Hibiscus
Family: Malvaceae
Origin: Hort.

Category: Evergreen free flowering shrub

Photo Taken at: The Ditch Garden (a community garden)

This is my entry for Today's Flowers # 133, a meme which opens every Sunday, 2pm GMT. My grateful thanks to Today's Flowers team members; Luiz Santili Jr, Denise in Virginia, Laerte Pupo and Sandy Carlson. To participate and view other gorgeous flowers around the world, click here


  1. The flowers in your garden are so beautiful. You can have all the lovely tropical beauties you want while I struggle with our very dry summers.

    I wonder, did you see my blogpost today or just the guest friend picture?

  2. This is an unusual colour for the double hibiscus. Beautiful photo!


Yay! You like flowers too.