
Saturday, January 1, 2011


Scientific name: Brunfelsia calycina
Synonym: Brunfelsia pauciflora

Common name: Yesterday-today-tomorrow, Day-noon-night, Kiss Me Quick
Chinese name: 番茉莉 (fan mo li which means 'foreign jasmine') or 昨天今天明天 (YTT)
Malay name: Semalam, Hari ini dan Esok

Family: Solanaceae
Native to : Brazil and Tropical America

Category: Ever-flowering ornamental shrub

Photo taken at : My home garden

A quote from Albert Eistein:
Learn from yesterday,
Live for today,
Hope for tomorrow.

Additional info:
I have been growing this as an ornamental container plant for 6 years. You can also grow it on the ground as a shrub. The flowers change from purple to lavender blue to white from bud to full bloom in 3 days. There are 3 colours on the plant at any one time. Beginners like me find this shrub easy to grow and the results are quick. The most wonderful part is that it flowers non-stop. These beautiful pansy-like flowers smells nice too. Grow in well drained soil under full sun. Water regularly. Prune regulary to maintain shape. It can withstand harsh pruning. Propagation is by stem cuttings.

Translation to Bahasa Melayu
Nota Ringkas:
  • pokok renek
  • ditamam sebagai bunga hiasan di sekitar laman rumah
  • boleh ditanam dalam tanah atau pasu bunga
  • perlukan air yang mencukupi and pangkas selalu
  • bunganya bertukar dari unggu semalam, biru hari ini dan putih pada hari esok. 
  • berbunga dengan banyak dan cantik sepanjang masa,
  • terdapat bunga-bunga dalam 3 warna pada bila-bila masa
  • senang dijaga dan jarang diserangi penyakit
  • membiak melalui keratan batang

Today is ABC Wednesday
Y is for .....

ABC Wednesday, Round 7 hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt and the ABC Team of Denise, Roger, Jay, Troy, Barb, Gattina, Sylvia, Annelie, Linda and Helen. To participate and view what others have in mind, please log on to this site.


  1. What an interesting common name!

  2. Oh, it's lovely. It wouldn't survive here, however.
    And the quote from Einstein is perfect for the flower.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. How beautiful. I might try this - it sounds like it might be able to survive my brown thumb tendency.

  4. Lovely flowers. The different colors are interesting

    An Arkies Musings

  5. Fascinating plant which I never heard of before. 3 colors in 3 days. Amazing.

  6. I've never heard of it either, but how fascinating! I agree with photowannabe, 3 colors in 3 days is amazing! Great post for the Y Day! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


  7. That's a good looking flower.

    ABC Wednesday Team

  8. quaint name, and pretty.


  9. Very lovely flower with such a sweet name. Can it be grown in harsh climates indoors? I'd love to have a plant that bloomed in tri-color.

  10. Cheryl, it is normally grown in the outdoors. It thrives in temperature zones USDA 9a to 11, even as far as Geogia and Mississippi.


Yay! You like flowers too.