
Friday, January 21, 2011

Clerodendrum thomsoniae

Scientific name: Clerodendrum thomsoniae

Common name: Bleeding Heart Vine, Glory Bower, White Bleeding Heart Vine

Chinese name: 龙吐珠 ('long tu zhu' or dragon spitting pearl)

Malay name: Nyonya Makan Sirih (maiden eating betel leaves), Jantung Berdarah

Family: Verbenaceae
Origin: West Africa

Picture taken at: The Secret Garden of 1-Utama

This plant can be grown on the ground or in a container. It looks very beautiful and elegant with the flowers in contrasting colours of bright red against a pure white. It was very popular in Malaysia among home gardeners during the 70s but few people grow them now. Many nurseries also do not have stock for this plant. Such a beautiful vine with lovely flowers that is deserted by 'TIME'. Hopefully it will make a comeback soon when people like it once again.

This is my entry for Blooming Friday. The theme this week is "Deserted".  To participate or view other entries, visit here here or click on the image below.


  1. Ohh I have this plant on my windowsill! Love it! The swedish name is: Ödesträd.
    Have a nice weekend! / Irene

  2. What a fantastic flower and with two colours.
    That plant is new for me I haven´t seen it before.

    have a nice week

  3. Ah, that's just lovely! The contrast between the white and the red is fantastic - such a beautiful flower!
    Wishing you a great Sunday!

  4. Bleeding heatr vine - what an extraordinary beautiful plant! thank you for sharing.

    Greetings fron Tyra in Vaxholm


Yay! You like flowers too.